The Utah Wilderness Coalition is dedicated to protecting wilderness-quality lands in Utah.
Since 1989, the Utah Wilderness Coalition (UWC) has advocated for America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act, federal legislation that would add more than 8 million acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Utah to the National Wilderness Preservation System.
Click here to ask Your Legislators to Consponsor America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act!

This remarkable landscape is a key component of what scientists say is urgently needed today: wild lands set aside to exist in their natural state to protect ecosystems and prevent catastrophic climate change. The Red Rock bill would protect portions of Labyrinth and Desolation Canyons along with equally remarkable places like the Book Cliffs, the Dirty Devil, and parts of Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears National Monuments.
Nowhere else in the lower 48 can such intact wilderness-quality desert lands be found; they serve as a vital link in the interconnected chain of largely undisturbed ecosystems running from the Grand Canyon to Glacier National Park, providing important migration corridors for wildlife. Unfortunately, this national treasure is threatened by rampant off-road vehicle use, inappropriate energy development, vegetation removal projects, and other shortsighted management and policy decisions.
The time to act is now.

The red rock is sacred ancestral homeland to many Native American Tribes, holding an abundance of precious but vulnerable ancient cultural sites tucked in its canyons and mesa tops. The region serves as a critically important reservoir of clean water, air, and open space. As climate change increasingly affects our ecological health, this expansive area is becoming more and more vital as a place where the earth and its community of life can thrive.

America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act (ARRWA) was developed by activists and volunteers who exhaustively researched, field-checked, and documented what remains of Utah’s wild canyon country. The proposal is supported by the Utah Wilderness Coalition, which includes the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, and many other conservation groups, businesses, and environmental justice organizations.

Below are letters the Utah Wilderness Coalition and its member groups have sent to every Member of Congress, asking them to become a cosponsor of America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act.

Californians for Western Wilderness
Carol Montgomery Drake CPA PLLC
Center for Biological Diversity
The Climate Reality Project: California Coalition
Coloradoans for Utah Wilderness (COlorUWild)
Desert Ecosystem Analysis and Restoration (DEAR)
Elgin Green Groups
Environmental Ministry First Unitarian Church of SLC
Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs
First United Methodist of LaGrange (IL) Environmental Justice Committee
Glenn Randall Writing and Photography
Illinois Clergy and Laity for Utah Wilderness
Illinois Task Force for Utah Wilderness
J Groene Construction
JSA Sustainable Wealth Management
Kettle Range Conservation Group
Kishwaukee College Green Team
Latinxs United for Change and Activism (LUChA)
League of Women Voters of Utah
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
LULAC Young Adult Quetzalcoatl 44016 Council
Mainers for Utah Wilderness
Malach Consulting
Maryland Ornithological Society
Massachusetts Friends of Red Rock Wilderness
Michigan Friends for Red Rock Wilderness
Minnesota Friends for Utah Wilderness
Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (MEChA) de University of Utah
New Mexico Friends of Utah Wilderness
New Yorkers for Utah Wilderness
Ohio Friends for Utah Wilderness
Pennsylvanians for Utah Wilderness
San Diego Chapter of The Climate Reality Project
San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy
San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council
Student Organization for Society and Natural Resources USU
Unitarian Universalist Church of Elgin
Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment
Utah Society for Environmental Education
Washington Friends of Wild Utah
Wisconsin Friends for Utah Wilderness
Interested in having your organization or business become a coalition partner of the Utah Wilderness Coalition? Fill out the form below to get more information about what being a partner entails. Any organization or business in the US is welcome to join!